2019 word of the year

welcome, 2019! if you follow me on instagram, then you know robbie and i set sail with my family on a Caribbean cruise to kick off the new year. we left on NYE, and spent the trip unplugged, disconnected, and recharging! we are home now and i couldn't feel more ready to take on the new year. many have asked, and yes i will be sharing a blog post round-up of all my looks and what we did while on our cruise to Key West and Cuba. stay tuned!in the meantime, i wanted to share our NYE photos here on my blog and share my word of the year. i've been choosing a word {or phrase} of the year to live by since i was a freshman in college and it's a great way for me to apply a simple motto to everything i do all year long. robbie and i talked about not only our goals for 2019 extensively, but also how we were going to accomplish them. and it all came down to one thing, which i then decided to make my word for the year:intentionas a full-time blogger/influencer with a worldwide platform, it would be so easy to make a lot of money by saying yes to all the brands, organizations, MLMs, events, products, and services that come our way. but guess what? i never have and i never will. i've spent over five years fine-tuning my platform and the kind of audience i want to have, and it's important to me to work with brands that are in line with my goals. 2018 was a crazy busy year, and while i still held myself to this standard of authenticity, i still felt myself getting burnt out and spread way too thin.that's why 2019 is all about being intentional. over this last week, i read three books {turns out you can read a lot when you're not tied to your phone and laptop!} and one of which was Rachel Hollis' Girl, Stop Apologizing, which is the follow-up book to Girl, Wash Your Face. i was sent an advanced copy {thank you to the RH team!} and i was so excited to crack it open after being so inspired by Rachel's first book. my favorite line from her new book was the one i needed to hear most:"if it's not a hell yes, it's a no."meaning, if it doesn't excite you, shake you in your boots, push you toward your goals, make you want to jump for joy, pass on it.2019, is my year of intention. if it doesn't bring me happiness and/or build my business, it's a no. simple as that.2019, i'm ready for ya!



thanks to Glamsquad for my hair + makeup!

photos by Alexis Exstrom


Celery Juice: My Miracle Cure


top 10 memories of 2018.