7 days.


we are finally down to a week& this time next saturday i will officially be mrs. tripp!i cannot wait to marry the man i get to spend the rest of forever with.after all the planning and decision-making,it's surreal the time has finally come!robbie came into my life a year ago,& it's been brighter ever since.thank you for making me the happiest girl alive.#mushy

so excited to see all my friends and familyfor this wondrous occasion that commemorates the beginning of the rest of my life with this boy.

in the meantime, here's our engagement videoby the talented Zach Fackrell.

enjoy & see ya next saturday!

[vimeo 93209388 w=500 h=281]sarah & robbie // save the date from Zach Fackrell on Vimeo.salutation


pops of pink.


neutral polka dots.