babes supporting babes with L'Occitane.

International Women's Day is coming up on March 8th! today i'm partnering with L'Occitane to share a few ways to support your fellow women and also give you details about their amazing Shea Butter Solidarity Balm they have released for Women's day! i'm a huge believer that women need to support other women in order to lift us all up. there's so much negativity in this world, so we all need to band together and spread positivity!L'Occitane's Solidarity Balm commemorates 35 years of working with the inspiring women in Burkina Faso, Africa who make this beautifying butter. it retails for $6 and 100% of the proceeds go to The L'Occitane Foundation, which in turn helps these Burkinabe women learn to read, write, gain a secondary education, and pursue their entrepreneurial endeavors and ambitions. a new balm is designed each year for Women's Day to highlight feminine talent and leadership! it's available in-store and online from now until March 20th.i love that L'Occitane is helping these incredible women succeed in life! it's so empowering to see a brand that truly cares about the women who help make their products. we should all take inspiration from this and help uplift the women around us as well. below i'm sharing five ways we can all do this!be kindkindness costs nothing and yet means everything. it's the easiest possible thing you can do and the world needs more of it, especially now. by being kind to others, we are creating relationships and allowing connections to form, even if for a brief moment. i've always loved the quote by Maya Angelou: 'At the end of the day people won't remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.' be kind and make someone's day. you never know how much it will mean to them!show humble strengthwe live in a time where there is so much tension on social media that seems to spread everywhere else. strong opinions and fierce debates are a daily occurrence on all our timelines and feeds. it's times like these where i believe it's important to show humble strength. being radical or combative only creates more tension, but being understanding and tolerant while standing firm in your convictions creates respect. if we as women stick together in confident and respectful solidarity, there's no limit to the change we can create. if we get lost in Facebook arguments and snarky subtweets, we only lose ground. one of my favorite quotes by CS Lewis says: 'Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.' remember that this female empowerment movement is bigger than you, and your contributions reflect the whole.

encourage her to follow her dreamsaren't we taught from a young age that we can do anything we set our mind to? and yet, how many women lose sight of that as they grow older? we should never allow ourselves to lose sight of our dreams! encourage other women to follow their passions and support their talents. i cry every single time i watch the movie Hidden Figures. it's become one of my very favorites because it's all about women breaking boundaries in the work force in order to do what they love. shatter that glass ceiling, babes! it's about time we as women truly believe that we can be anything we want to be.

be a force for changeunfortunately, being a women means that you will inevitably be surrounded by those women who gossip, tear down, and cause drama. this is something that really bothers and saddens me because this does nothing but put others down, creates negativity, and overall hurts everyone. focus on spreading love, not gossip. work on having positive conversations, not negative ones. help others realize that when you uplift each other, you all succeed. there's no longer room for women to be known as catty toward one another. set an example to those around you that you're focused on positive and uplifting action, not gossip and her she is loved & appreciatedi've made a goal that when i see another women with cute shoes or pretty earrings or beautiful hair or anything that stands out to me, i will simply tap her on the shoulder and tell her. it took me a long time to get comfortable doing it but it feels good to share that few seconds of empowerment and encouragement. a simple smile, a compliment, or even a hug can go a long way in making someone feel valued and loved. take the time and be aware of how others are feeling. it's so easy to get caught up on our phones {guilty!}, but it's so important we look up and connect in real life. it doesn't matter what you do to make others feel like you truly care about them, as long as you show them. my favorite times with my girlfriends are when we sit down for a lunch, put our phones away, and discuss our every day lives: how we are doing, what we are feeling, etc. show other women that you genuinely care about them and not just by liking their latest post on IG.

thanks to L'Occitane for sponsoring this post!



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