create yourself.


it's fun to see new trends and styles pop up throughout the blogger world,but what i've enjoyed the most is witnessing my own transformation.

it began last summer while living in eyes were opened to new styles that i saw and loved and thought"hey, i don't have to solely wear preppy J. Crew like all the other girls in UT."{no offense J. Crew, i still love you}

i seriously love grunge chic.and when i add a little pink lipstick {okay and maybe a pink bag. and watch.}i feel like i'm making it my own.I just feel like the grunge chic/indie/swag/boho style provides so much more roomfor adding your own personal's fun & refreshing,& i don't feel like a clone of everyone else's style.this is what i love most about fashion.

"life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself."

owl-11owl-10owl-6owl-4owl-2owl-14owl-13owl-22owl-21owl-20owl-18owl-12owl-17owl-7owl-16owl-15owl-9maxi dress: Target {clearance!!}denim vest: BP brand via Nordstrom Rack {similar, similar}sandals: Sam Edelmancross-body: Kate Spade {similar}watch: Kate Spadenecklace: Target {want this}nails: Julep's Raeganlips: Candy Yum Yum

andddd because i love this picture too much with my favorite boy...

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fancy wifey.


pink friday.