easter sunday.


Easter is a special holiday to me.not only is it a time to ponder on the atonement, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ,it also has very special memories tied to it.

two years ago i studied abroad in Jerusalem for an entire semester,& i was able to be there in the Holy City for Holy Week & Easter.it's something i will never forget,& every Easter since has had so much more meaning.{you can read more about my experiences here & here}

this year robbie and i spent Easter with his family!we sadly weren't able to go down to vegas,due to the holiday being smack dab in the middle of finals {thanks BYU}& moving my things into our cute mother-in-law basement in salt lake city.however, we had a lovely day full of family and great food.

my favorite parts {besides the most meaningful} about Easterare the beginnings of spring and Easter sunday dresses!it's such a fun way to dress up and wear the colors or patterns of spring.

hope you had a fantastic Easter!

easter-2easter-8easter-4easter-5easter-9easter-6eastereaster-10dress: ASOSheels: Dolce Vita {in love with these}earrings: Forever 21 {similar}watch: Kate Spadelips: Sassy Mauvesalutation 


floral flow.

