my five tips for a happy, healthy life.

life is busy, the world can be scary, and it can be so easy to get down on ourselves. while it's definitely important to take your time while dealing with such things, i also believe that good things happen because we make them happen. happiness and positivity all stem from our choice to be happy and positive. it's something we all should strive for and work towards every single day!that being said, i wanted to share my personal five tips for living a happy, healthy life. i've got five tips in five different categories that i hope will help you in your own life. one of the most common questions Robbie and i are messaged on social media is how we stay so positive! i wanted to share what's worked for me and how you can apply the same wisdom to your day to day.

style: dress for your body type, not for trends.

i've preached this for years and years: stop worrying about what's popular and start focusing on what feels good! it is so easy to get caught up in the latest trends and force yourself into something that isn't super flattering to your shape or doesn't make you feel confident. peer pressure and instagram influence are a real thing and i honestly think so many girls and women wear certain things because everyone else is. don't get sucked into that. part of having great style is having the confidence to know what you can pull off and what you can't. there's a whole list of trends i've tried, hated, sworn off, and moved on. for example, i don't wear culottes because they weren't made for my short, thick legs and 5' 5" frame. tall, thin women with legs for days make them look so cute and classy but i realized long ago that that trend wasn't for me. cap sleeves are another thing i avoid. because i'm a curvy girl with bigger arms, i like to have sleeves that are a little more slimming. i'm fine accepting that because i know my body, i've accepted my body, and i don't need to fight with my clothes just because something is currently "in."related: 5 ways to feel confident with your curves in a swimsuit - Kortni Jean Blogsee!? it doesn't require you to hate yourself to know what looks good on you and what doesn't. i stock up on body suits and high waisted jeans and wrap dresses because i love how they hug my curves and accentuate the best parts of my figure. i try to shop brands i'm familiar with that fit true to size and forget the rest. life is too short to have to walk around all day feeling like you're wearing someone else's clothes. know your strengths and weaknesses and move forward!

nutrition/fitness: do it out of love, not out of hate

earlier this summer i read Beautiful Bodies by Kimberly Rae Miller and my favorite quote from the book was: 'you can’t change from a place of hate. you can only change yourself if you love yourself.' this is such a golden nugget of wisdom when it comes to eating and exercising. don't approach your diet and fitness routine from a place of self-loathing, wanting nothing more than to shed the pounds because you hate how you look. instead, approach it with a positive attitude that says 'i want to be healthy, being active makes me happy, and i'm working to be the best me.' newsflash: you don't have to be Jen Selter. you don't have to have a six pack. you just have to be happy. do workouts that you enjoy doing and eat healthy meals that taste good. on weekends, go out for ice cream and grab a cheeseburger! and then get back to your healthy routines on monday. life is too short to obsess over looking like a photoshopped magazine cover. all you have to do is form healthy habits that make you break a sweat, get off the couch, and stay in shape. don't look at dieting and exercising as a way to change your parts you hate, look at them as a way to be happy and healthy!

love/relationships: confidence is sexy.

this is also something i've been preaching for a very long time. beauty comes in many different shapes and sizes, and the only common denominator when it comes to being sexy is confidence. a confident woman is a sexy woman, no matter the size of her underwear. Robbie has always told me that one of the things that first attracted him to me was my confidence. even though my weight was up and down all throughout my college years, i always took pride in my personal appearance and believed i was worthy of someone who would love me for me. i'm now very lucky to be married to a man who has always celebrated my curves and loved every inch of my body {even the parts i didn't love so much} and that's only helped my confidence even more. but regardless of if you're single or in a relationship, the number one key to being sexy is being confident in yourself. remember that you are a strong, beautiful, and valuable woman who deserves to be loved and adored. and don't you dare settle for anything less! put yourself out there and rock your body! put on that bold lipstick, buy that sexy lingerie, wear those jeans that hug your booty just right, and tell yourself that you are hot! when it comes to developing confidence, there's no better way than to just make it happen.

travel: TSA pre-check is your friend

this is the best travel hack i know and i literally recommend it every chance i get. it's also the perfect gift idea if you have friends/family who fly frequently. for just $85, you get a 5-year membership that allows you to use the fastest line at the airport that usually takes 5 minutes or less, and then you don't have to remove your shoes, jacket, or laptop when going through security! with how much Robbie and i travel, i don't know what i would do without it. every time we get to the airport and i see the massive lines at TSA, i take a sigh of relief that we have one less thing to worry about when traveling. if you don't have TSA pre-check, definitely do it. you can apply here. the approval process is really easy and it will save you so much time and stress!anddd having something that makes traveling easier and faster only means you get to travel more, which is so so important to us! being able to see the world, experience all kinds of cultures, and learning about different types of people will only ever benefit you in life.

mental health: remember you are your own worst enemy and you are in control

i'll be honest: i may look like i have my s*** together on Instagram and that i'm some girl boss that's constantly working to build her own brand, but there definitely days where all i want to do is curl up in a ball and cry. and i do. something tells me you can relate. life is so busy with all of its crazy demands and pressures that are unique to each one of us. it can get so overwhelming so fast and for some reason it seems like social media enhances that anxiety ten fold. if i'm not careful, i can get myself so flustered over the million little things i have to do in a day and end up sabotaging my own personal happiness. don't let yourself do it! whenever i have a breakdown from all the tension and stress, Robbie always tells me to make a list of all the things i have to do--not things that i feel i have to do or what other people expect of me, but things with actual real life deadlines and meaning--and then just start checking them off one by one. pretty much every time i realize that what i was stressing out over was never really a big deal, i had just let everything snowball into something that looked insurmountable. remember to take things one step at a time and don't let your own mind become your biggest obstacle. you are in control of how you deal with situations. when you find yourself getting into a tizzy, just take a deep breath, ask for help, prioritize, and you can't lose!hope you found some good wisdom in here babes! have a great week! below is a new workout set from Aerie that i'm currently obsessed with. xx Aerie nude sports braAerie floral workout pantsrose gold Nike shoes c|o Finish Line Womenrose gold cuffrose gold Beats headphonesLe Specs sunglassesCaramello liquid lipstick



our fall to-do list.


outdoor folk style with Old Navy.