how to feel confident during swimsuit season

i touched on this topic a few days ago on this Aerie post, but i wanted to share more in a blog post because this is so important to me! i started Sassy Red Lipstick to help women of all sizes find their confidence and learn to love the skin they're in. now that Spring Breaks have started, that means it’s the start of swimsuit season. some women love this time of year, but i think even more dread it. now’s the time where we see more and more ads for diets, fast solutions to slim down to look “good” in a bikini, and unrealistic images of what women look like in a swimsuit. i’m calling BS on all of it—and i want you to join me!

there’s a lot of pressure in our society as women to only wear a swimsuit when your body is “bikini ready.” but what does that even mean?! is a women suddenly more valuable when she hits the gym harder? when she cuts back on calories? when she gives into fad diets that aren’t actually good for her health? i’ve talked with so many women who’ve had eating disorders/have dealt with extreme dieting in order to finally achieve their "goal body", and they all say the same thing... being “skinny” never made them happier. in fact, they never could quite get to that “ideal weight” because it was never enough and they had to sacrifice their mental health and even physical well-being just to achieve their "skinny" body.

now, don’t get me wrong! it’s so important to be healthy! it’s important to eat a balanced diet, exercise to break a sweat and get your heart rate up, and make healthy decisions regarding your body. but it’s also okay to indulge in the treats you love, skip a workout when you need a break, and take a nap instead of going for a run. it’s all about balance and moderation! no one treat is going to set you back, and no one workout is going to give you that "dream body".

self-love can be hard. and i know a lot of women aren’t quite there in their journey yet. and that’s okay! i’ve seen a lot of posts going around recently about people working towards “body neutrality” instead of body positivity. that means they want to acknowledge the bad days, accept that they don't always feel positive or love toward their body, and just be. i definitely believe you need to do what’s best for you and your mental/physical health. i will always preach self-love here because it’s what’s made me the happiest in my own life. and it's my personal opinion that striving for positive self-talk, even when you feel the exact opposite, is the best way to go. but if you’re struggling to find anything positive about your self-image right now, starting work toward neutrality! that means you’re just not talking/thinking negatively about yourself and finding a solid, middle ground. get to that point and then from there you can move on to positive self-talk and fully embracing all your jiggly bits!

now, back to swimsuits! i think the #1 thing to remember is that you will be the only person at the pool/beach who is obsessing over how you look {or don’t look}! you are your own worst critic and no one else is worried about you, they're just having fun in the sun. trust me, i get it! i’ve been there! it can feel like all eyes are on you when you're not confident. but once you let go of that anxiety, take off those swim shorts or cover-ups, and remember you’re there to have a good time, you’ll enjoy the experience more than ever. easier said than done, i know! BUT, it’s so incredibly freeing to feel like you can run and splash and play without being covered up. don't let your size or some stretch marks or some cellulite control how much joy you find in your life.

no one has a perfect body. NO ONE. trust me, even women who have a classic "bikini body" talk about their flaws and what they wish they could change. just own your body! if anyone judges you for a soft tummy or rolls, it just goes to show how insecure they are, not you. you’ll be too busy flaunting what your momma gave ya and having the best time!

so i’m challenging ALL of you this swimsuit season:

buy that cheeky bikini you’ve always wantedtake off that coveruplet your sexy mermaid thighs touch as you lay out on your towelenjoy the pool or beach without fear or anxiety of what your body looks like!

and tag me in your swimsuit photos! i want to see your cute suits, vacation style, and beautiful bodies. happy swimsuit season babes! xx



spring has finally sprung!


casual friday: sassy on the go