it's beginning to look at lot like Christmas...

onei hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend {& found some goodies on sale!}. Happy December! it's finally my most favorite month. i love the feeling of Christmas in the air, the pretty holiday decorations, spending time with family, celebrating our Savior's birth, & on top of all that, it's also my birthday month! {this weekend to be exact}i wanted to kick off December with holiday attire, so every post this week i will feature an outfit with festive metallic details that you can wear to any & all upcoming holiday parties or events! this first outfit i wore for mine and robbie's Christmas card pictures & features my favorite gold glitter heels. Diana, the photographer i shot with, is running a promo for Christmas card pictures that runs $100 for a mini session and includes Christmas card design. offer ends soon so check out her work here and book your session today!enjoy this first week of the best month there is! happy cyber monday shopping!2014 christmas marketingthreedk0a18dk0a08 dk0a15dk0a20dk0a12 dk0a14dk0a22dk0a07dk0a25dk0a13 dk0a10

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my outfit:dress: J. Crewblack long sleeve: Forever 21 {old, similar}heels: Nine Westnecklace: J. Crew Factorybracelet: J. Crewlips: MAC Red

robbie's outfit:button down: J. Crew Factoryjeans: Urban Outfitters {similar}shoes: Nikemugs: Anthropologie

photos by Diana Putnam PhotographyNEWlippies-150x150


tinsel town.


give > take