Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! we are in Vegas with my side of the family this year spending quality time with those we love most and celebrating the birth of our Savior. i hope you were able to spend time with loved ones, too! as we wind down such a happy time of the year, my heart is so full. thank you for all of your love and support! it means the world to me. i have such an incredible community of followers and readers, and i truly appreciate each and every one of you!i have one more post to share for 2018 later this week to wrap up the year, so until then we are unplugging and enjoying our time off. we are headed on a Caribbean cruise with my family in a few days. it's our one and only true vacation of the year, so you'll only see a few IG posts here and there from it. hope you had the best holiday season! xx



top 10 memories of 2018.


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