new job: fashion marketing.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presethiiiiiii. long time, no see! sorry i've been a bit MIA. between going to SF {post coming soon!} and starting a new 9-6 job {sometimes even 7..}, i've barely been keeping up with cooking and cleaning and laundry once i get home. regular outfits posts coming soon, too! i have some really fun things for spring to show you ;]i've already had quite a few people ask about my new job, so i figured i'd go ahead and post about it here. for the world to see. thanks, internet!i'm excited to announce i've started working for Bohme as their eCommerce Marketing Specialist! after being graduated for almost a year, i've finally landed a job that combines my two passions, fashion and marketing! it's been a whirlwind of learning the corporate side of retail, but i've really enjoyed it thus far. just a few of my responsibilities include uploading all the product details to the online store, creating email campaigns, styling photo shoots, and customer support emails. i'm part of a three person web team, so there's always something new to learn and do! i'm sure you'll see more grams of my job in the future.but for now, enjoy my current desk display. Bohme launched its new website last week {hence the craziness of my first week}, so be sure to check it out here!Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetlips


boho easter dress.


snow leopard.