sassy red lipstick's NYFW guide part ii: what they don't tell you.
as promised, today i'm sharing my Part II Guide of NYFW! in Part I, i talked about my process of getting into shows, shopping for outfits, blogger politics, and gave you some advice on staying organized. in this post, i wanted to share some personal things i've had on my mind. but first, let's chat about what it's like to actually be at show or events.once you're on your way to New York, the butterflies will likely come in full force. i had my outfits in tow {packed in my over-weight DVF luggage}, my confirmation emails all ready to pull out, and my iPhone charger packs stashed in my handbag {you're going to want to bring one or two, these are KEY items to have in your handbag every day}. here's how the process will go: about a day before the show, you'll receive your actual seat number in an email, along with a scannable QVC code. you'll most likely uber or taxi to your show and once there, photographers will be standing around the entrance taking photos. you'll scan your barcode at the door and your seat number will be printed. there's nothing more jittery than showing up to that first show!once inside, they will
double triple check your ticket and you'll find your way to your seat. if you aren't first row and it's not a full show, you'll most likely be moved up! there was only one show i didn't sit front row. so just know that's an option if you're bummed about your seat assignment. but honestly, if it's your first time going, just take it all in! i seriously got emotional at that first show {Lisa N. Hoang... she's a senior in college and her line was amazing!} because it's all so amazing to finally be a part of. i had to take a step back and realize that i was living a lifelong dream of mine. let yourself enjoy that!the show will most likely run a half hour late. nothing starts on time in the fashion industry. so if your uber is stuck in traffic, just know you probably can still make it! once the show starts, you'll be busy snapping away, but be sure to actually observe and enjoy it, too. it's all over in about 10-15 minutes! i didn't realize that shows were so short. it's crazy how much time and effort goes into something that doesn't even last 30 minutes. post-show, there will be photographers hanging around and it's actually really funny to watch them run to and from corners shooting specific people and style. there's going to be so many people dressed outrageously! i heard that before going, but it's a sight you'll just have to see for yourself. people definitely show out for these are somewhat similar. you'll have to show your confirmation invite at the door and once inside, there's networking, mingling, drinks, music, etc. i ran into so many IG friends that i finally got to meet in real life! there's also usually swag bags full of samples or various products, depending on who sponsors the event. this is an awesome time to network, and also just enjoy catching up with blogger friends. my favorite event was the ShopStyle event, where GiGi New York handbags were given out and personalized for you right there on the spot. they also had clothing you could rent and shoot for the week from LUISAVIAROMA and several other vendors like Bauble, time to get onto the nitty gritty stuff. as i mentioned, i'd been dying to go to NYFW for a long time, since i was a freshman in high school. i have always poured over blog posts about it from my favorite big bloggers, watched replays of the shows online, and been completely obsessed with the idea of one day going. but i want to keep it real by saying that NYFW surprised me in a few ways:first, nothing is as ever as glamorous as it seems online. so what about those sponsored hotels, drivers, and outfits? nope, not even close. prior to going, i thought NYFW was going to be exactly what the biggest bloggers portray: the chicest of chic and the glammest of glam. now, don't get me wrong, i am SO glad i went and had this experience. and i'll continue to go every season i can! but it's definitely an exhausting, expensive, and very sweaty {hi NYC humidity} experience. i was still blogging while there so i would get home late from a show or event and start working. i also did most of my shoots in the mornings, which meant i was getting up around 6am to get ready and leave to uber to my shoot. i probably averaged about 5 hours of sleep at night! once the day started, i'm not joking that i didn't stop moving until my head hit the pillow.second, i've never felt more out of my comfort zone either. you're constantly at the mercy of things you can't foresee or control. NYC traffic prevents you from getting to places on time, which stressed me out. also, i missed certain shows because i needed to eat something {you truly will only have time to eat about once a day}. and the sweat! NYC was having a heat wave and it was about 90 degrees plus humidity the first three days i was there. as mentioned in Part I, i couldn't wear outfits i brought because it was so hot {silly me}. now, this may all seem like i'm complaining, which i'm not. it's just the reality of what actually happened versus what i was expecting. maybe down the road when i'm being chauffeured to events while staying in conveniently located hotels i'll have a different perspective, but for the blogger girl on her grind, it's not the easiest of trips, that's for here's my best advice for next season:plan and stick to a budget. things can get out of control quick with all your expenses, and i'm not just talking clothes/handbags/accessories. between hotels/flights/transportation/food, on top of looking so very fashionable, you'll spend a couple thousand dollars. or more than a couple. be prepared and save your pennies hundred dollar bills months in advance.pack snacks and stay hydrated. one of the best things i did was pack a box of kind bars and individual packets of almonds in my suitcase. every day, i'd pack one of each in my handbag. i keep saying you'll probably eat one good sit-down meal a day, and it's 100% true. you're too busy to stop and think about it. also, it was too hot to even want to eat, so just make sure you're staying hydrated. a lot of show venues provide water bottles before you take your seat. i'm prone to headaches/migraines and luckily because i stayed hydrated, i didn't get any.go with the flow. i can't tell you how stressed out i was about missing shows {or possibly missing shows} because of traffic. your show will probably run a half hour late, so don't worry if you're 10 minutes behind. it's also not the end of the world if you do miss it... it'll give you time to grab something to eat, haha!fake it until you make it. this probably won't work for every situation, but it's always worth a shot. one day, i didn't have a ticket to the Rebecca Minkoff show but everyone else in my group of friends had standing tickets and i wanted to go with them. so i gave the staff my name and blog, and i received a standing ticket as well to join my friends! i was a little bit shocked, but it just goes to show what can happen if you just act like you're supposed to be there. we arrived an hour early since it was right next to our previous show and they didn't even ask any questions. you have to remember that because everything is digitized, that means emails and confirmations can easily slip through the cracks. now, this show was unique because it was outside and seating was for some serious celebs. but i'm so glad i was able to experience it!be confident. there was a point during one show, i was looking around at everyone else and thought, 'i hate my outfit right now.' i was having a vulnerable woman moment and i'm sure it showed. here's the thing about NYFW: you'll be surrounded by thin celebrities, thin bloggers, and even thinner models. one of my blogger friends Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada actually wrote about this topic here. don't let the stigma that only thin women are a successful part of the fashion industry get you down. be confident in your style, with who you are, and most importantly with your shape. it'll show and you'll be thankful you wore your style with confidence.pack smart. those killer {all puns intended} heels you brought? you can wear them, but your comfort level will last all of about five minutes. i definitely did this and ended up only shooting outfits with the killer heels, which worked great for photos, but also took up a lot of previous space in my suitcase for only wearing them to photoshoots. sole serum definitely helped on the days i thought my feet were going to fall off, but next season i'll be packing for style and comfort, not just style.have so much fun! while the entire week {or few days you're there} is such a hectic whirlwind, i can't stress how glad i am that i went. i learned so much and really was able to do what i love as a fashion blogger: see the upcoming trends straight from the runway and be with likeminded people in a beautiful city. i'll definitely be back for February and try my hand at dressing in a million layers for the NYC cold. if you've been dying to experience NYFW like i was, grab your best blogger friend, book a flight, and starting thinking about brands you need to email for a ticket to their show. i tried to keep it real here with all the positives and negatives, but at the end of the day, it's so worth it! feel free to email me if you have any questions. i'd love to help if you have any specific questions that weren't covered in these two posts {Part I here}. it would have made my experience so much easier if i had someone sharing the real, non-sugarcoated version of NYFW with me, and i want to be that for you!you can read Part I of my NYFW Guide here.see you at NYFW in february! xx
floral Erin Fetherston dress c|o Rent the RunwayValentino hot pink flatsKaren Walker sunglasses c|o DittoRebecca Minkoff quilted bagrose gold watchPink Nouveau lipstickHidden Crown Hair extensions {wearing #2 Dark Brown}
photos by Laurel Creative