sassy spotlight: Provo Fashion Week.

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today i want to shine a light on a really cool project that is going on here in utah:Provo Fashion Week.

a while ago, i started hearing about a possible fashion week being held in time has gone on, i've heard more and more,especially from my fashion designer friend, Bree{who you may remember from our collab several months ago}.

now, melanie and janay, the two girlies behind Provo Fashion Week,have begun a Kickstarter campaign to help them make this thing a success.when i saw that Provo Fashion Week was really going to happen,i enlisted my own passion for fashion and told them i would help spread the word for this wonderful project.

melanie and janay want to give all the up-and-coming fashion designers in provo a chance to showcase their talent.the shows will run for two days in April, featuring two shows a day,{i'll be attending the Wednesday, April 9th show at 6:30, featuring Melanie's & Bree's designs!}this Provo Fashion Week will hopefully be the first of many.

check out a couple pics of Melanie and Janay's beautiful designs below,as well as at their website.then, go check out their Kickstarter video,to get to know these girls a little better and understand what they are trying to do.

contribute any way you can, even if it is just spreading the word!there are so many girls in utah who have talent in fashion,let's give them an opportunity to shine!







the go-to.


i {heart} spring.