six tips for healthier skin.

i'm sure most of you have figured out a beauty regime that works best for your skin. it's taken some trial and error for me over the years, but there's definitely specific products that are my go-tos {i can do an entire blog post on my favorite products in the future!}. however, there are certain little things i do for my skin that have helped me have a healthier complexion. while i’m only in my mid-twenties, that doesn’t mean i can’t go the extra mile to do some of the more simple steps to benefit my skin in the long run. i’m excited to share some of my personal top tips for healthier skin with you!1. give your skin a breaki think the first thing many women do during a skin freak-out is try to conceal with too much makeup! but over the years, i've learned that makeup isn't always the answer. not everyone works from home, so i understand that you can't necessarily go a day without wearing makeup like i can. however, when you get home from work, take off your makeup, apply whatever beauty products you use, let your skin breathe, and relax! giving your face a break from makeup can definitely help your skin.2. make time for mask treatmentsi try and use a mask every week or so. that doesn't always happen with a busy schedule, but my skin always looks and feels so refreshed after doing so! can you say, hello glowing skin!? sunday night is a great time to fit in a quick 20 minute mask treatment while you prep your outfit or emails for the next day. it's easy enough and something that you can do while multitasking!3. take vitamins dailyi try and eat healthy, but i don't necessarily get all the nutrients my body needs every single day. for the past few years, i've been really good about taking vitamins to help keep me healthy. recently, i discovered the new OLLY Flawless Complexion vitamins and these help keep my skin healthier from the inside out! packed with nutrients essential for skin health, like antioxidants, minerals, and botanicals, these berry flavored gummies are delicious but also work {the best part!}. for the past several weeks i've been taking two OLLY Flawless Complexion vitamins a day and they've helped contribute to my skin looking radiant and flawless! getting the proper nutrients is so important in having a clear, healthy complexion. you can pick them up for yourself at Target or on the OLLY website!4. drink up!you know, water. h2o is such an important part of keeping skin healthy and hydrated! i promise when you cut back on soda or alcohol, and replace those drinks with good old water, you'll see a major difference. i drink water 90% of the time anyway, but i've had friends who have done Whole 30 several times and they always talk about how drinking only water has helped turn their skin around. i like to carry around a cute tumbler or water bottle and sip on it {and re-fill} all throughout the day.5. use a silk pillowcasemy sister in law gave me and robbie silk pillow cases with our nicknames for each other embroidered on them last Christmas! it was such a thoughtful gift, not only for the personal touch but also for the health benefits. did you know that sleeping on a silk pillowcase helps keep your face healthy?! it helps your skin retain moisture, reduces the appearance of facial wrinkles, reduces friction on your hair which can cause damage, and silk is naturally hypoallergenic. it's such an easy way toward having a healthy complexion {and hair!}, so why not implement this tip right away!?6. invest in a facial cleansing deviceabout 6 months ago i was given my first facial cleansing device and i cannot believe i lived 25 years without one. i now have several sizes of the Foreo, but my favorite is the smallest size that travels easily and sits on my tub without taking up much space. i only use it about once or twice a week {although an aesthetician told me i should be using it every night!}, but the results are amazing. my skin always feels so much cleaner and softer after using it. it really takes off ALL my makeup and gets into hard-to-clean pores. most are an invest, but i promise the results are priceless!

thanks to OLLY for sponsoring this post!


kiwi plum swim.


pinstripes & pearls.