Surprise! We Moved to Las Vegas!
Yes, it's true! The hometown girl is back! We moved to Las Vegas a few weeks ago and are loving it. We wanted to wait to share this move since it all happened so quickly and it's been crazy settling in to our new home! Some of you may be surprised since we just finished our home in Phoenix and planned on staying in Arizona for the long haul! Trust me, I'm with you haha! The most surprising thing {even for me} about this move was that we weren't expecting to move SO SOON!
So here's the backstory:
I think 2020 was the year everyone truly recognized the most important priorities in life. For us, that was our health, our happiness, and our family. The more we evaluated how we were balancing those things during such a tumultuous year due to the pandemic, the more we realized that our potential long-term plan of moving to Vegas might need to happen quicker than we ever anticipated. I can't say enough about how much we LOVED living in Arizona--it's the most beautiful scenic desert, conveniently located, still a large city {Phoenix is the biggest capital city in the US and still growing like crazy!}, and of course the warm sunshine we love.
But as Taz got older and the pandemic dragged on, we started to realize how hard it was being away from family. We don't have any family in Arizona, we just moved there because we loved it and because it was still somewhat close to our families in the southwest. But even five hour road trips and quick plane rides still feel too far away when all you want is for your baby to be surrounded with love from grandparents and aunts and cousins.
Robbie and I debated the pros and cons of staying in Arizona or moving to Vegas for MONTHS. Last fall, we finally decided we would just start looking at home listings in both places and when we found the perfect house/property, we'd know that's where we needed to go. Well, as I said, finding that right home for us happened a lot quicker than we ever thought. Shortly after we started viewing homes in Phoenix, we were in Vegas for my birthday weekend the beginning of December. We had an extra day on a Monday before we returned to Arizona, so Robbie casually found a listing that he thought looked interesting enough to book a showing. We showed up at the property and...
We instantly knew it was THE home. It was so much better than the listing could show, it had everything we wanted, and we just had a really positive feeling about it.
We made an offer on Wednesday, they accepted on Friday, and that was that! It was a CRAZY fast process and honestly took me some time to wrap my head around it all haha. One minute we were in Vegas to celebrate my birthday, the next we were under contract for a new home!!
Our home in Phoenix sold quickly at the end of December and we were originally planning on moving to Vegas at the end of January. Long story short, the loan approval process was super delayed due to COVID and our self-employment status. We were surprised to learn that most lenders aren't giving any new loans or even refinancing current mortgages for any self-employed people during COVID. After a lonnnngggg and tedious process of supplying document after document after document, we finally closed on our Vegas home in mid-February and moved at the end of the month!
Now, I know what you're thinking... It feels like you just finished your home in Phoenix! Your new pool! You haven't been in your brand new home long at all! I know guys, I know. We finished our pool in November... and the turf actually went in after we had already found our Vegas home, but we had already paid for the turf. It all happened so fast! But it was so meant to be. We truly believe that. Regardless of if we were moving to Vegas or not, we were going to start hunting for a larger home in 2021 anyway. We want another baby relatively soon, and because we both require home offices, we were out of rooms. Taz is also a tiny tornado of pure energy and we know we wanted to buy a larger property where he can run and play to his heart's content.
That brings us to currently! We LOVE our new home. We wake up every morning feeling so grateful. Robbie literally just walks around saying "I love this house" about 10x a day haha. We knew we wanted more space, more privacy, and to be close to family. We feel so thankful to have found an incredible acre of property that has all three aspects! It's a 15 minute drive to my parent's home and a much shorter drive/flight to see Robbie's family.
We also knew it was a great step for our careers as well. I'm already working with a Vegas-based brand I love on an exclusive collection that I'm so excited about and can't wait to share more about!!! Vegas also is really close to LA {an hour flight!} which was a huge bonus as Robbie continues to pursue his music career. His producer is actually from Vegas as well but works out of his studio in Hollywood so Robbie travels there about once a month to record. He actually had some big meetings with music business executives during his last trip to LA and has some collaborations with big artists in the works. Our personal reasons for moving here were the driving force, but it also made sense that Vegas is just a great home base for all our current endeavors.
We are so happy here! Taz is adjusting and loving it! My mom and dad pop over for lunch or to visit and Taz will just crawl into their laps and it makes me want to cry. Robbie's dad and sister have been here helping us renovate and reorganize and it's just been so nice to have family in our home all the time.
We were able to do some fun renovations before we moved in {repainting, floors, knocked down a few walls, etc.} and I'm so glad we did! The changes we've already made to the house have opened it up so much and I can't wait to share with you the before and afters! We still have more to do, and I'll bring you along on the process. We can't wait to show you peeks of our new home. And yes! We do have a pool! And a full sport court... which is definitely Robbie's favorite part. And a playground for Taz! I hired a local interior design team and am so excited to get started on making this already beautiful house our home!
It's been so great being back in Vegas. Robbie and I were talking about how this is the first time we've ever moved somewhere that we already KNOW! For that reason alone, it's been much less overwhelming. Robbie's parents actually lived here for a few years when he was in college, so he knows Vegas as well. This is where our love story began and it naturally feels like home. It's been 11 years since I've lived here, so we can't wait to try all the best restaurants. Also, I'm very happy to have amazing shopping again haha!
We wanted to wait until we were settled to make this announcement, but it wasn't as if it was some huge secret! The home buying process can be prolonged and unpredictable. Deadlines kept changing and so much was up in the air, so we decided to just share once we were here! :)
We decided not to build in Vegas {our Phoenix home we built, but it was only semi-custom} because we knew we wanted to move here and we just weren't ready to take on that long process. We are so happy with our home right now and we figure we'll build once we are done having kids and find the perfect plot of land here in Vegas. Our current home has so much space and feels like such a fun canvas to change to fit our style and aesthetic.
I also told Robbie I'm not moving for another five years AT LEAST... ;)
Enjoy these fun announcement photos we took in old downtown Vegas! We snapped these months ago when we first went under contract for our home, so that's why Taz looks a little younger {at least to me!}. I LOVEEEEEE these photos! Viva Las Vegas! xx
photos by Bethany Paige Photography