surprise... we're moving!!!

We’re moving!!And we're building a home!!!

Yes, you read that right! 2018 will be our last year in our San Francisco. At the beginning of next year, we will be starting a new chapter together and moving to enjoy the year-round sunshine in beautiful…Arizona!!!These past years in San Francisco have quite literally changed our lives and we wouldn’t have changed a thing. We moved to SF for no other reason than we knew it was the perfect place to chase our dreams. When we first made the move, the idea of our personal brands being a full-time career felt like a very far off goal, and we knew it was a huge risk moving to the most expensive city in America. But thanks to a lot of hard work, blessings, and good old fashioned hustling, here we are! Our time in SF has seen our platforms grow so much and we’re now fortunate to have the success in our careers that we’ve always dreamed of. And as always, we want to remind you that we couldn't do any of this without you, so thank you from the bottom of our hearts.But as they say, to everything there is a season. We can’t help but feel that we are outgrowing the hectic and often exhausting nature of city life. On top of that, we are now in the stage of life where we want to leave renting behind and have a nice home to call our own. Since we work from home and then travel so frequently, we've learned that we need space to work and relax, spread out and enjoy our success, and most importantly: start making plans for our future family. (Yes, Baby Tripp is definitely on our to-do list). And considering the median home price in San Francisco is at a record-breaking $1.6 million for a small two bedroom home built in the 1960s, it's become obvious to us that there's a much higher quality of life to be had elsewhere. We're lucky to be able to work wherever so we figured we should take advantage of that to live our best life possible!Over the past several months, we’ve secretly been visiting a few prospective cities where we thought we could be happy. (Those multiple trips to Palm Springs earlier this year… yeah… we were looking at homes the entire time haha.) We thought maybe Southern California, but there's so much traffic and we don't ever want to pay California taxes ever again. We thought maybe Texas, but didn't want to live in the humidity and further away from family. In April, we ended up randomly visiting Arizona for a friend's wedding and immediately had a good feeling about it.The Grand Canyon State has incredible weather, endless places to eat, fantastic shopping, and just a great laid-back desert lifestyle. And for those of us who are #adulting: low income tax, booming housing market, great school districts, etc. We are so excited to be building a beautiful home on a big lot up against the mountain in one of the country’s most livable cities! We are so ready to start soaking up the 300+ days of sunshine a year that makes Arizona so great.We will finish out this year in San Francisco, and then will be moving at the beginning of 2019 so we can be there to see the finishing touches on our home.Robbie is really going to miss SF (to be honest, he was always more in love with it than I was) but he is very excited to have immediate access to Chick-Fil-A, a home office/"creative lair" all to himself, play in basketball leagues with his friends, etc. As for me, I’m beyond excited to get back to my desert roots where I can live in a swimsuit year round and take a dip in our pool whenever I want. Not to mention, I'll have my very own office space (looking to hire an assistant when we move so start sending those applications!), a pretty bathroom for beauty shoots, full kitchen, walk-in closet, and all those home things I've been dreaming about for years after living in a 1 bedroom in the city. I can't wait to show you our home building/design process!So this post is simply about the what, and our next post will be the why. There’s a lot of deep and personal reasons why we are choosing to leave this city that's given us so many amazing opportunities. We are going to share a lot more details with you in our next blog post, so get ready for some real talk. Come back next Sunday evening to read that post.But for now, we just wanted to share this exciting life update with all of you!!Thank you so much for caring about our journey and always showing us so much love and support! Many of you were with us when we first started SRL back in Utah, joined in our excitement when we moved to San Francisco, were a part of the incredible growth we’ve had here, and now are coming along for this next adventure to Arizona! We can't wait to share it all with you. :)Stay tuned for our next post!Love,Sarah & Robbie
update: our real talk blog post containing all the details about our move is now live! click to read real talk: goodbye san francisco, hello phoenix.
photos by Audrey Coons {my fave photographer in AZ!}

real talk: goodbye San Francisco, hello Phoenix


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