Waiting for Baby Tripp | Maternity Photos

i'm 38 weeks today! which means Baby Tripp can now make his arrival at any time and we are patiently waiting for that sweet day. his nursery is almost complete {we just have to hang his mobile above the crib}, we packed our hospital bags today {blog post coming soon!}, we plan to install his carseat tomorrow {and get it double checked at our local fire station}, and our last ultrasound is this week! it feels very surreal that in just a few weeks {or days even!!!} our baby boy will be in our arms. my pregnancy has flown by for the most part, but this last stretch definitely feels drawn out and we just can't wait for him to be here! i'll be sharing my third trimester recap tomorrow, so stay tuned!i had a very particular vision for our maternity photos, and our good friend Audrey nailed it! the icing on the cake was getting the most gorgeous desert sunset the night we shot these. i still can't get over how the photos turned out! capturing moments and memories with photos is easily among my most prized possessions and we will cherish these forever. we've already printed out a few for our home!enjoy these photos celebrating our son's coming arrival, taken at beautiful Papago Park here in Phoenix. xx[reward_style_widget]

photos by Audrey Coons

shoot location: Papago Parkmakeup: Makiaj Beautyearrings: Nicola Bathie Designs


Third Trimester Pregnancy Recap!


Hosting at Tripp Oasis with Walmart!