a self-love check list!

February is such a fun month to celebrate love, and i think it's super important to celebrate self-love, too! last year, i wrote this post and this post all about your significance and how to treat yourself for Valentine's Day. while it's obviously great to practice self-care all year long, i thought i'd share a little self-love checklist specific to Valentine's Day!whether married or single, there's nothing more important than loving you exactly how you are. i think sometimes we forgot that... if we are single, we typically want to be loved by someone else. if we are dating/married, sometimes we lean too much on the other person's love. but when was the last time we took time to truly love and care for ourselves, no matter our relationship status?! i hope it's often, but if not, here's a few ways you can practice a little self care and love this month. these are things i constantly am working on, and i hope you'll take this checklist and make it a bit of a challenge. i always say, you have to learn to love yourself before anyone else can. i stand by that today, even married! confidence must come from within, not from others {although, super important to have a support system in your life when you're not feeling great, too!}.above all, loving yourself comes first. -buy yourself flowers-treat yourself to a mani/pedi-call a friend you've been meaning to catch-up with-head to your favorite workout class to break a sweat-unfollow anyone on social media that makes you feel less than-write down you goals for the next month-drink celery juice-every day this month, write down three things you're grateful for-bake yourself your favorite treat-have a girls lunch date with your besties-on post-it notes, write down affirmations or what you love about you and stick them to your mirror-clean out your closet and donate/sell items that don't fit, you don't wear, are stained, etc.-buy yourself a new outfit that fits correctly and makes you feel confident-put on your favorite song and dance it out in your roomps: happy Galentine's Day! be sure to enter my giveaway to celebrate YOU here!



the teeniest heart details


Five Ways To Show Love To Your Special Someone