the teeniest heart details

happy Friday! i hope you all had a great Valentine's Day, whether you were celebrating with girlfriends, a significant other, or by yourself! we had a busy day of meetings, and then went to grab burgers for dinner. it was a casual night, but exactly what we had in mind. Robbie did take me to Rodeo Drive and bought me a little something from Chanel... i'll share on my Stories today! i have this last Vday look i wanted to show you, which is something i would 100% wear all spring... love the teeny tiny heart details on these tights!we landed here in LA on Monday for a Stitch Fix red carpet event and tomorrow {Saturday} i'm hosting an event with Dove. we planned to fill our week with fun photoshoots {i LOVE shooting in LA} and meetings, but the crazy rainy weather had other ideas. we are hoping to squeeze in a shoot or two before we leave because for the most part we haven't been able to shoot at all! i'm not just talking a little rain here or there... it's literally been like a torrential downpour most days! AH!that being said, we still love being here and always enjoy staying at La Peer {our favorite hotel in West Hollywood!} and the food scene {so many yummy places!}. plus, we've gotten to see a bunch of our friends, too! so always a bright side! i am looking forward to getting back to the sunshine in Arizona. that's pretty much a recap of our week!sidenote: this weekend marks five years of taking our engagement photos! crazy right!? you can see them in this post.excited to meet some of my LA followers tomorrow! have the best weekend! xx





a self-love check list!