hello, 2016.

HaleyNordPhotography (49 of 65)there's just something so refreshing about a new year. yes, it's definitely important to make goals {and stick to them} all year round, but january 1st is such a beautiful blank slate that it just seems so right to reflect on the past year & make changes for the new one. i didn't think 2014 could be beat. between graduating college, getting married to the love of my life, and starting a life together, it was a magical year. however, 2015 truly was even more sweet. robbie & i were able to travel to so many new places together {oahu, arizona, san francisco, newport beach, vancouver, laguna beach, orlando, boston, just to name a few}, move into an actual house, & follow our dreams together. with the release of robbie's first book, Create Rebellion, and the growth of SRL, this year has been one for the books {quite literally, in fact}. we feel so blessed to be able to do what we love every day.as per usual, i like to choose a word of the year to live by & center my goals around {see previous years' words here, here, and here}. last year's word was 'work' and that i did. i grinded a 9-5 {that was sometimes a 9-9} for half of the year, and then decided to quit in order to follow my dream and make SRL a full-time gig {read more about that here}. i worked hard to get SRL to where it is today and i'm excited to keep working hard on it this year! i worked my body the hardest it's even been worked through the Kayla ItsinesBBG program and i have some lofty fitness goals for this year as well {post about that coming soon!}. marriage is the best thing in the entire world, but it also requires effort, along with love. i have a very patient & loving husband and i work every day at being the best life partner i can be. 'work' was a fantastic mantra for 2015 and one that will continue to have an impact in my life.for the past week or so, i've been trying to think of a word for 2016 and one in particular just keeps popping back in my head. it's a little out of the ordinary from previous years' words, but it is one that i really think will have a deep impact. my word of the year for 2016 is selfless. we live in a world where we tend to think the most about ourselves. that isn't necessarily always a bad thing because it's important to love yourself, be healthy, do things for yourself, etc. But sometimes i think too much about myself and what i'm trying to accomplish that i forget how important it is to give of myself. i'm really going to try to push outward instead of inward this year. of course, i have lots of other personal goals in mind for the new year, but i have some special resolutions that require me to think about others.happy new year! thank you once again for all your love & support! looking forward to 2016. xxHaleyNordPhotography (56 of 65) HaleyNordPhotography (53 of 65)HaleyNordPhotography (59 of 65) HaleyNordPhotography (50 of 65) HaleyNordPhotography (57 of 65) HaleyNordPhotography (62 of 65) HaleyNordPhotography (46 of 65) HaleyNordPhotography (63 of 65)HaleyNordPhotography (60 of 65)HaleyNordPhotography (54 of 65) HaleyNordPhotography (52 of 65) HaleyNordPhotography (48 of 65) HaleyNordPhotography (64 of 65)sweater: Targetsequin circle skirt: Targetbooties: Jeffrey Campbelltights: Primark {similar}bag: Rebecca Minkofflips: Fauxhair: h2blow dry bar

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glitter toes.


sassy red lipstick in 2015.