my favorite pink wall in SF

this pink garage in SF was one of my favorite pink spots in SF! located at 3rd Street and 24th, it was just a few minutes from our home. it's a balloon store called The Balloon Lady, so the garage is only closed after business hours. i couldn't get enough of this backdrop {here and here} and it even played a role in one of my very favorite photos from this year {here}. stop by and snap a pic if you're in the City! i couldn't ever resist wearing the perfect pink ensembles each time i go. peek the new kicks i got for my birthday, too!now, a little update...we are officially living in Scottsdale, Arizona! we arrived the evening of the 16th, so today was our first official day here. we are still organizing everything in our new home, but we feel so good about the process. as a little re-cap for any new readers, we are building our first home in Phoenix {more on that in this post} and living in a rental in Scottsdale until it's finished this spring! we moved out of SF because we were ready to own a home, spread out, start a family, and slow down a bit to enjoy life more fully.we are so thankful for all our family and friends who helped us move and couldn't have done it without them. we are so excited to continue sharing the building process of our home and can't wait to explore Arizona & share our recommendations here. in case you missed it, here's my final tribute to SF {and robbie's here}. we will miss the City by the Bay and all our special people/experiences there, but we know we made the right choice to move to Arizona and we couldn't be more happy & excited to be here! xx


pink faux fur bomber {also here and here}white turtleneckdistressed denimpink Chanel sneakers {also here and here}pink Louis Vuitton aviators {dupes under $30 here}pink Louis Vuitton shawl c|o Julia Rose Boston {exact one here}pink Chanel O Case c|o The Real RealSultriness lipstick 


festive friends | GMG holiday dresses


Christmas pajamas for under $50!