my first mother's day: a letter to our baby

the day i found out i was pregnant, even before i told Robbie, i sat down and wrote a personal letter to the little one now growing inside of me. it was a special moment between the two of us, when i was still the only one in the world who knew about our sweet little baby. i wanted to remember exactly how i was feeling and share it with Baby Tripp in the future. as today is my first Mother's Day, i thought it was be a special moment to share this letter with all of you who have already showered us and Baby Tripp with so much love since we announced.___________________________________________


Dear sweet baby,

It feels a little bit surreal writing you this note. Your daddy and I have been trying and praying for you for almost a year. I’ve taken many pregnancy tests in that time, but over the last week or so I felt off and in a different way. I woke up this morning, got the courage to take a test, and instantly saw two bold pink lines. The happy tears came so fast and it was such a special morning. I haven’t stopped thinking about you all day… and I’m just now realizing I won’t stop thinking about you all day for the rest of your sweet life.

I’ve taken three pregnancy tests today at different times, all with the same results. I haven’t told your dad yet, so for now it’s just a special little link between me and you. Valentine’s Day is next week {one of my favorite holidays!}, and I have a special way to tell your dad. I just know he will be bursting with happiness!

I spent all day researching you: how big you are {teeny tiny!}, when you’re due {most likely in October, your dad’s birthday month, too!}, and all of my symptoms. I get emotional just thinking about you, and it’s only been about 12 hours since I first found out.

I already love you so, so much. Thank you for allowing me to be your mother. I think that’s the first time I’ve realized I’m going to be a mother {!!!!!}. I promise to love you always, take care of you, protect you, and help you lead a happy, healthy, positive life.

Grow little baby, grow! Me and your daddy can’t wait to welcome you into this world in nine months.

We love you forever!





first trimester recap!


team tripp: our five year wedding anniversary