My Maternity Milk Bath

today i'm sharing with you the photos from my recent maternity milk bath shoot and i'm so happy with how they turned out! my girl Audrey did an amazing job on these photos and everything came together perfectly. my florals are by local florist Melissa from Moelleux Events! this is my second time using her for a shoot and her arrangements are always so dreamy. i'll be honest, one of the things i'm most proud of with this shoot... i did my own makeup, haha! seriously though, i've always loved milk bath photo sessions, as they are so feminine and beautiful. i've shared before that my favorite way to make memories is through photos, so i wanted to commemorate this stage of my pregnancy with this shoot. and yes, i did wear two different lace robes! linking both below. keep scrolling to view all the photos from the shoot!

rather than do a typical blog post, i had the idea to turn this one over to my husband Robbie and asked him to share his thoughts on my pregnancy, how it's changed my body, and our relationship. i figured since he is a talented writer {and hopeless romantic}, he'd have some interesting thoughts that would pair well with these beautiful images. so without further ado... here's my baby daddy. :)


By now, I think it's been well documented that I can't help but share my love and adoration for Sarah openly. Since first meeting this beautiful woman six years ago, she's inspired deep emotions and works of art in me from day one. When we first started talking, I wrote new poems for her daily. And as our relationship has progressed and evolved over time, my love for Sarah has only deepened. In six years we've experienced a hell of a lot together and I'm positive that there's nothing we can't accomplish together, as a team.

This incredible new chapter of parenthood has awakened a new aspect of our relationship that has been beautiful. Seeing Sarah grow and carry life inside her has been nothing short of a miracle to witness. (I can't even imagine what it's going to feel like when she actually brings our little man into our life together.) It's been funny to me how many people have commented to Sarah that she has such a wonderful "pregnant glow" over the last nine months, but you want to know the truth? She's always glowed. She's always emanated such a natural, golden beauty, it's one of the first things I fell in love with about her. It's easy to say things that Sarah hears every day like "Oh you're just so photogenic" or "You're just so stylish and well put-together", but it goes so much deeper than that. Sarah really is one of the most naturally stunning and effortlessly elegant women I've ever met. And that makes me feel lucky every day to call her my wife.

No conversation on my adoration for my wife would be complete without talking about how attracted I am to her beautiful, curvy figure. Seeing Sarah's body change with this pregnancy has been such an amazing (and admittedly fascinating) process to behold. She truly makes pregnancy look gorgeous. Her body may have changed a lot during this miraculous process, but my attraction and affection for her has remained the same. In fact, seeing the woman of your dreams carry a child that you created together inside of her adds an element to your relationship that makes it even more special, more intimate.

This third trimester is when Sarah's stomach really started to grow and new, deeper stretch marks started to appear on her tummy. At first, she was a little worried, maybe even a little insecure. Her previous stretchmarks were beautiful and silvery, and these news ones are a deep red/purple now extending on both sides of her stomach. One day she stood in front of the mirror and asked me repeatedly what I thought and if it was okay. I simply knelt down in front of her and kissed her beautiful belly and told her that this all part of this beautiful process. New stretch marks mean she is creating new life, a life that we created. Nothing could be more beautiful than that.

Each time she has asked me questions throughout this pregnancy such as "Is it okay that my face is getting a little round?", I tell her the truth: she is glowing and that these wonderful changes, these perfect imperfections, are signs that she and our baby are growing healthy. Honest to goodness, cross my heart and hope to die, I've never seen anyone make pregnancy look as sexy as Sarah does.

My favorite moments from this pregnancy are at night when we've finished our day's work, eaten dinner, and are relaxing watching our latest Netflix show. I put my hand on Sarah's tummy, she puts her hand on top of mine, and together we just feel our little man kick and tumble inside her. It makes me smile just thinking about it. There's not a feeling in the world that can compare to when I place my hand on her stomach and he immediately kicks, like he's saying "hey dad!" :) I can't even wait for him to join our family and light up our home with his presence.

All in all, I think it's a common (and understandable) insecurity for women to be a little scared/anxious for 1) how their body is going to change during and after pregnancy and 2) how their partner is going to feel about it. But honestly, I think that fear is largely unfounded and I'll tell you why. Any partner worth being in a relationship with is not only going to love you and your body no matter what happens, they're going to find a newfound appreciation for you as you miraculously bring new life into this world. And what's more, that new life is going to be a beautiful little mixture of both of you. What could be more exciting and positive than that? There's simply no room for superficial standards when it comes to this holy pinnacle of a relationship. Yes, her body will change. Yes, the sex will be... different. Yes, priorities will shift and life will become busier. But when the new normal sets in and everything settles back into its groove as it always eventually does, all that is left is a deeper love and commitment to a woman who is now glowing in a different light: motherhood. And nothing can be more precious (and attractive I might add) than that. Can't wait for this next step in our journey together, dollface.

maternity milk bath | sassy red lipstick

photos by Audrey Coons


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