What I'm Packing in My Hospital Bag

As a first time mom and type A planner, I did a lot of research about what to pack in my hospital bag. I asked all of you in this post {and received SO much feedback, thank you!}, watched YouTube videos, read articles on my favorite pregnancy sites {the bump, what to expect, etc.}, chatted with girlfriends, family members, and more! I wanted to know what helped, what was a waste of space, what I really needed, and what I might want. 

Below is my comprehensive list of what I have packed and ready! I realize I probably still overpacked, but better safe than sorry. I'll update this list post-hospital and let you know the details of what I really needed/used. I'm linking what I can below! 

*As soon as i started filling my bag, I realized I needed a slightly larger one than a roller carry-on, so upgraded to my medium size Calpak. That way my towel + cozy blanket could fit. 

As of 3/17/2020, I have updated the below to what I actually used/was glad to have/could have left out/etc. Updates will be bolded or slashed out below!


what i'm packing in my hospital bag | sassy red lipstick

For me:

-Photo ID
-Insurance card
-My own pillow - SO glad I took this!!! Hospital pillows are so flat.
-Favorite cozy blanket - Robbie used this more than me since he didn't have any real bedding. Glad we brought this!
-Eye mask
-Adult depends {sooo many of you suggested wearing these over the mesh panties the hospital gives you} - Another item I was so thankful to have in the hospital! Much easier to manage than the bulky pads.
-Snacks {rX bars, Chomps beef sticks, goldfish, etc.} -- I'm not going to slash this out because most might want these, but we really just ate hospital meals and treats our family brought.
-My own hospital gown - Loved having something much more cozy! I did throw it away after because it was very bloody.
-Socks {one pair of non-skid, one pair of fuzzy, and one pair of compression} - Used them all! Threw away the pair I labored in because I got blood on them.
-Robe for Fresh 48 photos - Loved having a cute "outfit" for photos!
-Lip mask {use it as my chapstick} - Hospital is SO drying, a must!
-Toiletries {mini shampoo + conditioner, skincare items, tooth brush, tooth paste, deodorant, lotion, etc.} - I did end up taking one shower while there and so glad I had all my own toiletries on hand!
-Make-up bag - We took Fresh 48 photos, so this was needed to me.
-Reusable nursing pads My milk didn't come in until after we got home from the hospital, so definitely didn't need these.
-Handheld fan - This was a MUST, but mine died half-way through labor and Robbie then used a hospital menu to fan me the rest of the time... so next time I'll also add in spare batteries!
-Nursing bra {bringing this one and this one} - Must-haves for sure!
-Jockey joggers + a tee shirt Definitely didn't wear pants post-birth at the hospital
-Comfy, breastfeeding lounge dresses {bringing this and this} - Lived in these in the hospital!
-Belly wrap Didn't need in the hospital... and didn't end up wearing regardless.
-2 pairs of slippers {an old, dirty pair + a new pair for Fresh 48 photos} - Loved having two pairs! Threw the old pair away before we left the hosptial!
-Disponible flip flops for showering - SO glad I brought these! Also threw these away.
-Refillable water tumbler I'm constantly drinking water from my tumbler, but the hospital will provide these!
-Extra long phone cord charger {bought these this past January and have loved them!} - Loved having the extra length since outlets weren't really close to the hospital bed!
-Nipple cream Once again, since my milk didn't come in while we were at the hospital, didn't need this.
-Perineal spray Hospital will provide all the postpartum care items while you are there! Definitely good to have on hand once home though.
-My own bath towel Our towels are white and I didn't realize how bloody I'd be {first time mom}, so I just used the thin, scratchy hospital one. BUT, Robbie did use mine, so that's an option for your SO!
-Headphones + playlist {also threw in my earbud headphones} Playlist was KEY, but we just listened to the music out loud on our portable speaker my entire labor. Didn't even touch headphones.
-Tea tree body wash {per the suggestion of my SIL/doula Shannon} Didn't need in the hospital, but used once at home!
-Portable speaker SO KEY FOR MY LABOR
-Portable white noise machine Loved having this for sleeping at night!
-Portable phone charger Wasn't necessary since our long charging cords worked great.

what i'm packing in my hospital bag | sassy red lipstick

For baby:

Infant car seat {ours is red, sadly sold out}
Fresh 48 outfit
Going home outfit
Pediatrician contact info - Important to have!
Swaddle blanket
Paci - Personally did not use in the hospital.
Baby book {to stamp footprints in} - Sadly forgot to have the nurses stamp his feet! Will definitely call this out before pushing next birth.
Boppy nursing pillow - Forgot to bring this in from the car our entire stay and I wish I would have! Always had to stack a million thin hospital pillows up to feed Taz.

For robbie:

His own pillow
His own towel
2 changes of clothes
Cozy blanket
Laptop + cameras + chargers
*All these things were necessary and used!

what i'm packing in my hospital bag | sassy red lipstick

what i'm packing in my hospital bag | sassy red lipstick


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