my skin routine + my #1 skincare tip!

i'm super excited to share with you my skincare routine and products i've been loving! i've shared a few makeup routine posts {herehere, and an updated one coming soon!}, but i've never shared my full skincare routine on my blog!i thought i'd preface this post with a bit of summery about my skin. growing up, i always had really good skin. i broke out here and there as a teenager and in college, but nothing major and it was usually just around my period. fast forward to turning 27 next month {!!!!} and my skin has really changed in the last bit, especially this last year. i can chalk it up to a few things {stress/anxiety/going off birth control/constant travel schedule & climate changes/etc.}, but i now deal with hormonal, cystic acne as an adult. it's been a bit of a hard change for me, as previously i always had such great skin! so now almost being in my late 20s, it's more important to me than ever to take really good care of my skin for confidence reasons, to prevent aging & scars, and to feel really good on a day-to-day basis. it's quite literally my job to take photos, so i need to do my part to feel and look good doing so!with tips and tricks from my gals Tamryn and Helena and Lauren, below is the routine that's working for me right now! i would use the term routine loosely because i don't follow a strict regimen as far as using certain products on specific days. if there's anything i've learned from Helena, it's that you need to assess what your skin needs that day and go from there.scroll to the very end of the routine to read my #1 skincare tip that has absolutely nothing to do with any products! 

morning routine:cleanse my face with this Detoxifying Black Cleanser and warm waterpat dry {never rub or pull your skin!}massage in this Acne Treatment Face Oil {let it soak in for a minute or two}follow with this Vitamin C Serum {let it soak in for a minute or two}apply my favorite hydrating moisturizer {also love this one, i rotate the two}i like to wear these eye masks while brushing my teeth to de-puff my under eyes and help them look bright in the AM! {tip: keep in fridge! the coolness will help with de-puffing even more!}next i would put on my favorite makeup primer after everything has soaked in to begin my makeup routine!

*note: you will notice that i don't have a sunscreen on here at the moment. i recently found out i was allergic to a chemical in *most* sunscreens {among other things}, so i'm still on the look out for one i can use. it's caused a lot of health issues this year and i'll go into it all more later! but sunscreen is an important every day step and i recommend you find one that works for you!

evening routine:i've gotten into double cleansing, thanks to many recommendations from people i follow!i remove some makeup {waterline eyeliner, brows, lipstick} with these makeup towelettesfirst cleanse: pore perfecting gel cleanse to break down makeupsecond cleanse: Detoxifying Black Cleanser to remove any leftover residuepat tryif i'm in the shower, i use this exfoliator about three times a week after cleansing!

here's where steps vary:when i'm really broken out or just need a super clean face the next day, i use these Extra Strength Daily Peel treatments. it's a two-step process and makes your skin tingle in all the right ways.i apply this Night Oil {contains retinol, let it soak in} and follow up with this Lactic Acid Treatment. these go hand-in-hand!i apply my eye cream {just got this one to try}, my Aquaphor on my lips {can't live without this!}, and i'm off to bed.

ORdouble cleanse as mentioned abovepat dryapply this mini facial product once a week for 20 minutes! this one will definitely tingle, but it'll leave your skin feeling so smooth and tight!rinseapply this facial oil {same brand as mini facial} and eye cream {just got this one to try} and that's it!

ORdouble cleanse as mentioned abovepat tryif my face is feeling super dry {after traveling usually so this might be midday}, i'll apply this thick mask. i've been loving it and it makes my skin feel so hydrated! you can sleep with it on over night if that's when you apply it. also just started using these sheet masks {new product from a brand i love!} as a quick brightening fix!

andddd drumroll please... my #1 skincare tip is... celery juice. i've mentioned this on Stories a few times now {and i plan on doing an entire blog post dedicated to it soon}, but robbie and i started celery juicing 6 weeks ago and it has completely changed so much in my body, including my skin. i'm way less broken out, my skin seems brighter, and overall i just feel good. i also firmly believe it's helped with some health issues i've been dealing with this year {again, will share more soon on that!}. we bought this juicer and all you need is 8-16 ounces of pure, fresh celery juice every morning on an empty stomach {don't eat anything else for about a half hour after}. you can read more about the health benefits {there's a TON} in this article! if there's one thing you pick up for yourself on Black Friday from Amazon, let it be that juicer!



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