Baby Tripp gender reveal!


we're so excited for this little guy to join our family and are over the moon that we are going to have a precious little son to raise.waiting to find out the gender was so hard! we actually couldn't wait so i booked an appointment at a local ultrasound clinic at 14 weeks to see if we could get a clear read {my OBGYN doesn't do it until 20 weeks}. it was actually the morning before we flew out to shoot our announcement photos in Carlsbad, and we were really hoping to know then! BUT... baby Tripp had his legs crossed the entire time so we couldn't see anything, haha! they were very patient and tried all different imaging and angles to find out the gender but we left empty-handed. not wanting to wait any longer to find out the gender of our first child, we decided to opt for a blood test, which has an accuracy of 99%. we went to a clinic, they took my blood, and a couple weeks later we got a call from our OBGYN that a very special envelope had arrived at their office!we hopped in the car, showed up at the office, and went into a back room with our favorite nurse practitioner, Tammy {she's curvy and amazing and has been so incredibly helpful during our pregnancy. she follows us both and has been so kind to answer our crazy questions at the office or via text or DM!}. we opened the envelope and our eyes scanned the page trying to find the answer, but all we were seeing was a bunch of complicated medical lab text and didn't know what to make of anything. luckily, at the bottom of the page, Tammy had scribbled in pen for us: "it's a boy! congratulations!! obviously, robbie was over the moon when we got the news. he's really wanted a little boy to carry on the Tripp name and to be his little basketball buddy, etc. like most couples i've chatted with, mom hopes for a girl and dad hopes for a boy. i'll keep it 100% real with all of you, i needed a day to process it! i think i had always just naturally imagined having a baby girl, and i even had a good friend of mine text me before she even knew i was pregnant and tell me she dreamed i had a baby girl {i'm a huge believer in dreams}. in my mind, for some reason, i just assumed it was going to be a girl. so when the moment finally came, i didn't really know how to wrap my head around it. fortunately, two things happened in the following days that completely changed my perspective and made me so so excited for our little baby boy!first, i came across a quote on a pregnancy resource site that touched my heart so deeply it brought me to tears. it was in reference to a mom telling her story about fully expecting to have a baby girl but then being told she was having a boy. the answer from her friend? "The world truly needs more good men! And the universe knew you were up for the task!" that simple phrase changed my mindset immediately and reminded me that this is what's meant to be and that i've been given the divine responsibility to raise our little guy to be a good man in this crazy world.second, i talked with sooooo many of my friends and blogger moms who couldn't say enough good things about being a boy mom. they told me: "little girls are sassy and independent, while little boys are just so sweet and cuddly to their moms. trust me, you will love having a little boy. i couldn't imagine anything else." the more i imagined our sweet little guy who shares mine and Robbie's features cuddling up to me and going to his future basketball games and dressing him in little Jordans, i was officially back in action, haha!we are so thrilled to meet Baby Tripp and cuddle him so tight. and you all may be interested to know... we actually already have his name picked out!! we're 99% sure it's the one. i even had a dream that's what i called our baby boy and that's when we knew it was real. we will be waiting until he is born to share his name, but it's so fun to refer to him already with what we've chosen. makes it feel so real! so excited to see his little face and welcome him into our life!thank you all for sharing in this most joyous moment with us. we can't wait to continue sharing the journey with you! this week we'll be posting the video on YouTube of us telling all our family members and closest friends that we're pregnant! it's such a heartwarming memory to have and such a fun video to see everyone's reactions. stay tuned!from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for making Baby Tripp feel so loved already! we took these photos in his nursery {can't wait to start decorating!}  in our new home! we are so excited to start decorating as his arrival gets closer and make him feel right at home.  xxps: 23 weeks pregnant today, which means i'm officially 6 months in {!!!!!}! Baby Tripp is the size of a grapefruit and growing lots!

this is one of my favorite photos from the shoot!can't get over the teeny, tiny baby Nike Air Force 1's to match dad!!!

hats from Friday Apparel

couldn't resist getting matching Nike Cortez shoes with baby boy, either!i'm wearing the largest in the kids' sizes.

wearing the xl in my polka dot dress:

photos by Audrey Coons



comfy summer style on a budget


size-inclusive vacation style