the last of summer.

IMG_4778bthis coming tuesday is the official last day of summer, and even though it was rainy and 54 degrees when i flew out of utah yesterday, because of all our traveling to warm locations {arizona last week, vegas currently}, i haven't quite been able to take in the cooler weather just yet. i'm looking forward to wearing layers and seeing the leaves change, but first i had to share with you all one of my favorite dresses of the summer.i wore it to a wedding in late july and can't believe it's taken me this long to share it with you! it's linen, so it's perfect for the summer heat and the flutter sleeves give it a feminine touch. plus, one of my favorite bloggers wore it around the same time i first purchased, so i knew it was a great buy. you'll definitely be seeing it in my closet rotation next summer,'s to the end of a fabulous summer of beach trips, too many snowcones, & hoarding swimsuits like it's my job. xxIMG_4725 IMG_4764 IMG_4720IMG_4777 IMG_4733 IMG_4781 IMG_4754 IMG_4744 IMG_4756 IMG_4771 IMG_4747 IMG_4774 IMG_4760 IMG_4795 IMG_4761 IMG_4784dress: J. Crew {on sale, use code SHOPNOW for an additional 25% off!}flats: TopShopclutch: Clare Michael Korslips: Ruby Woo

photos by Love Audrey Photographylips-150x150


wardrobe transitioning.


happy 2 years SRL!