happy 2 years SRL!

fivehappy 2nd birthday, sassy red lipstick! it's crazy how fast time flies. it feels like just yesterday robbie and i were taking our first blog post photos and setting up my site with a cheetah print header & red accents--my, how things have changed! so thankful for a creative and passionate husband who made sure i pursued my long-time dream of running a style blog, even when i was discouraged.i think a lot of people {besides fellow bloggers} don't fully understand not only the effort, but the blood, sweat, tears, time, & resources that goes into running a blog. it's also means putting myself in a vulnerable position, which in turn can be brutal at times. i've come across entire sites dedicated to people typing nasty comments that include me, my blog, my husband, and our life. it makes me sad to see those kinds of things. a lot of people make quick judgments that having a style blog means you are snotty, materialistic, or just a fake person. to me, running sassy red lipstick is a way to express who i am & be creative with my lifelong love of fashion, all the while sharing my world with essentially the world. blogging is a real passion & career goal of mine.on a more positive note, there's also something so very sweet and special about having a blog because it creates connections that i never would have had otherwise. i've met so many wonderful people in the blogging community, formed great relationships with brands, learned how to push myself & step outside my comfort zone, and really just learn & grow as a person. i hope my readers always see that i try to be very real about reviews by never publishing anything that doesn't fit my style and personality. i never want to be someone who you couldn't imagine sitting down and having lunch with. i truly love hearing from my followers & seeing the sweet comments left on my social media platforms always makes my day.so thank you all so much for your support in reading SRL. i don't quite know if you all realize how much your love & support actually means to me, but THANK YOU again from the bottom of my heart.xxps: below are some of my very favorite blog posts from the past two years. click on each photo to view the full post! year one was a little rough in the photography department (thanks anyways for helping out, babe!), but i wanted to include them anyways to show how much my blog, my style, and my even my hair has changed.onetwothreefoursixseveneightDSC_0027-21hair-20sassy-1ST-11dsc_9219dsc_0126-3spring-3leather10wall2gold7bows3anchor3camelgreen3glitter7intro5

{first post ever ^}



the last of summer.


summertime sunflowers.