My First Mother's Day

To My Taz Baby,

Today is my first Mother's Day and you're almost seven months old. I can't believe how fast time has flown! It's been such a joy to have you as part of our little family. You make me smile and laugh, and I'm already so proud of you! Your dad and I look at photos and videos of you every night before we go to bed and talk about how tiny you used to be. We've made so many memories as a little family already that I'll cherish forever. I love how you say "ma ma ma ma" all day long and love being read to. I love how busy you are during the day and how snuggly you are at night. I love watching you learn and figure things out on your own, but I also love teaching you. You're growing so fast, and while I wish the days would slow down, I also can't wait to see what you do with your life.

Taz, you're such a sweet little man and there's nothing better than getting to spend all day, every day with you. You give my life so much meaning, and I'm truly so blessed to be your mama. You've taught me how to be completely selfless and it's hard to describe my all-encompassing love for you. I promise to always love you, care for you, be your biggest supporter, protect you, encourage you to pursue your passions and dreams, and always cheer you on.

I love you so much and am so lucky you chose me to be your mom!



Happy Mother's Day to all you moms and mother-like figures! While I was pregnant last year during Mother's Day, this is my first time truly celebrating the holiday. Even more so, it's mine and Robbie's sixth wedding anniversary, so it's a pretty special day! Robbie and I talk all the time about how blessed we feel to spend so much time together with our baby, just us three right now. Don't get me wrong, the days blur together and sometimes it feels like Groundhog Day, but overall we feel lucky to be safe at home watching our baby boy grow up right before our eyes.

I wanted to commemorate my first Mother's Day with a special mommy + me photo session! We shot these in an orange grove here in AZ and I love how they turned out. These are such special photos that I'll cherish forever with my little Taz baby!

Last year on Mother's Day, I shared this letter I wrote to Taz the morning I found out I was pregnant. I wanted to share something similar this year to look back on and read one day to him.

Sending love to all you mamas! xx


mommy + me orange grove photoshoot: first Mother's Day | sassy red lipstick

mommy + me orange grove photoshoot: first Mother's Day | sassy red lipstick

mommy + me orange grove photoshoot: first Mother's Day | sassy red lipstick

mommy + me orange grove photoshoot: first Mother's Day | sassy red lipstick

mommy + me orange grove photoshoot: first Mother's Day | sassy red lipstick

mommy + me orange grove photoshoot: first Mother's Day | sassy red lipstick

mommy + me orange grove photoshoot: first Mother's Day | sassy red lipstick

mommy + me orange grove photoshoot: first Mother's Day | sassy red lipstick

mommy + me orange grove photoshoot: first Mother's Day | sassy red lipstick

mommy + me orange grove photoshoot: first Mother's Day | sassy red lipstick

mommy + me orange grove photoshoot: first Mother's Day | sassy red lipstick

mommy + me orange grove photoshoot: first Mother's Day | sassy red lipstick

mommy + me orange grove photoshoot: first Mother's Day | sassy red lipstick

mommy + me orange grove photoshoot: first Mother's Day | sassy red lipstick

mommy + me orange grove photoshoot: first Mother's Day | sassy red lipstick

photos by Christie Knight


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