Hello 2021, Let's Party!

Happy New Year! Welcome 2021!

I think it's safe to say we are all ready to leave 2020 behind and start fresh. While we were blessed to see some highs during this devastating year {Taz's first year of life!}, we also saw many lows. Typically, I share a round up post of my top 10 memories of the year {here, here, here, and here for example}. These usually include personal and career milestones, exciting announcements, and dreamy trips. None of those happened this year, and that's okay. We spent a lot of time together in our cozy clothes at home in 2020. So instead, I thought I'd share 10 lessons I learned. 2020 was challenging in many ways, but that also led to a lot of growth and change, too.

So here's to 2021! I'm excited for a clean slate, while taking the lessons I learned last year and applying them to this year {and the rest of my life!}. xx

What I learned in 2020:

  1. Prioritize mental health.

2. Set boundaries.

3. Listen and learn from others, then do and be better.

4. True happiness is found in the most simple of things.

5. It’s okay to cry.

6. Motherhood is hard, but also incredibly rewarding.

7. Time truly is a thief, so learn to enjoy each and every stage. They are only little once! 

8. Kindness above all.

9. Work out to feel good. 

10. It’s okay to just survive. Not every year is about thriving. 


New Year's Eve Style | sassy red lipstick

New Year's Eve Style | sassy red lipstick

New Year's Eve Style | sassy red lipstick

New Year's Eve Style | sassy red lipstick

New Year's Eve Style | sassy red lipstick

New Year's Eve Style | sassy red lipstick

New Year's Eve Style | sassy red lipstick

New Year's Eve Style | sassy red lipstick

New Year's Eve Style | sassy red lipstick

photos by Christie Knight Photography


Three Ways I Move My Body as a Working Mom


Merry Christmas!