2020 Mantra of the Year

Hello, 2020! I can't believe it's the start of a new decade! Exciting times :] At the start of every year, I choose a word or mantra that I want to represent my goals for the year. For me, gone are the days of making resolutions that never stick. Instead, Robbie and I set realistic {while still motivating!} goals for ourselves, our little family, and our business, which we then refer back to several times throughout the year {once a quarter is a great way for us to stay on track!}. My word {or mantra!} of the year is a simple way for me to remember those goals daily!

You can see past words of the year here: 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014

2020's mantra of the year is happiness over hustle

Don't get me wrong, being self-employed means there will always be a hustle. But, this year we are prioritizing our happiness over said hustle. In the past, we haven't always done so and it's definitely led to burn out, mental health exhaustion, and relying on the success of our business to fuel our happiness... and if you know anything about working for yourself, there are LOTS of ups and downs {just like most things in life!}.

We moved to Arizona a year ago to find more work-life balance. In fact, my word of the year last year was intention. But to be completely honest, we only really slowed down because pregnancy forced us to. On the bright side, that actually helped us realize what we were missing out in life: hanging out more with family and friends, enjoying being at home and not always on the road traveling, picking up hobbies again, spending meaningful time together, taking social media breaks, and realizing that if I didn't post every day, the world {and our business} wasn't going to end.

So this year in 2020 at the start of the new decade, we are prioritizing our happiness over always working, being "on," and getting sucked into social media at all times. Sometimes we forget that life is happening outside of our phones, but having a baby has really opened up our eyes to so much more in our life at this time.

Cheers to a new year! Would love to know if you pick a word or mantra of the year, too. Share below! xx


curvy New Year's Eve style | sassy red lipstick

curvy New Year's Eve style | sassy red lipstick

curvy New Year's Eve style | sassy red lipstick

curvy New Year's Eve style | sassy red lipstick

curvy New Year's Eve style | sassy red lipstick

curvy New Year's Eve style | sassy red lipstick


My Dream Home Office


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